Gladiator Law Marketing Blog


finger pushing testimonial button on law firm website using CRO

Testimonials Can Convert Site Visitors into Leads

Have you ever checked the Internet looking for a plumber or lawn service and then POW!! You read a testimonial that stops you in your tracks.  The client seems so impressed and happy with the service provided that it compels you to make a phone call. The same can be true of law firms. The power of client testimonials cannot be overstated! There’s nothing like an independent, third-party endorsement to tip the scales and convert a website visitor into a lead. That’s because customers lis...

lawyers and clients at a KY law marketing firm

Ultimate Guide: Law Firm Differentiation and Branding

So, you want to stand out from the competition? Then you’ll need some “differentiators” that clearly state those qualities that set you apart from the law firm down the street. Differentiators are authentic and crisp promises to potential clients that tip the scales in your favor and cause them to choose your firm.  Notice we said “authentic,” which means that they need to be unique, and you have to perform to them. Also, you want to make sure that they are not clich...

Google Review Management for Lawyers

Responding to Negative Reviews – A Tactical How-To

Ouch!  It really stings when someone writes a negative review on social media about your firm.  As you begin to read, your eyes get big, and you start to hyperventilate and …  what you do next will define the experience. Rather than stressing out and being filled with apprehension, let’s take a brief time out and think this over.  Remember that old adage about life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond?  Yep, same is true here. You can lose s...


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