Attorney Web Marketing Articles

    Category: Guides

    Category: Guides

    Attracting Graduates from the Best Law Schools: What Matters Most to Top Young Talent?

    Most law firms have periods when they need to hire a new lawyer and are looking for a young attorney who is right out of law school. New graduates can be ideal because they are eager to learn, engage, and build a career, and a law firm can grow the attorney through their firm’s culture and processes. So how do law firms attract graduates from the best law schools? What matters most to top young talent? Why is your law firm an attractive choice compared[ ... ]

    Client Intake Guide for Lawyers

    Law firms conduct client intake when they have new or prospective clients. The intake process involves signing up or onboarding new clients. When performing client intake, law firms gather basic information about the client, like their contact details and the information needed to take legal action. When done manually, the client intake can be time consuming for the client and law firm, especially for small firms. Also, it is unbillable, so lawyers don’t make money[ ... ]

    Featured Snippets for Lawyers

    If you want your online content to be featured at the very top of a search results page and dramatically increase the likelihood that a user will see you, then it’s important to know more about featured snippets for lawyers. Featured snippets can drive the following: Increase click-through rates to your website Highlight your law firm in a crowded field of competitors Provide first-click answers to[ ... ]

    List of Awards for Lawyers

    Attorney awards are plentiful, though sometimes misleading to the general public. Some awards carry outstanding prestige and even financial stipends, while others are just an easy way to toot your own horn. So, beware. With increasing competition, law firms are looking for ways to differentiate themselves while still staying within the bar rules. Most awards that you have heard of are, in fact, paid advertisements rather than something that was earned, with a few except[ ... ]

    How To Get Reviews for Law Firm

    Getting client reviews is one of the most important – and inexpensive – things you can do to turbocharge your online marketing efforts. Clients listen to other clients when it comes to choosing a lawyer. They want to know about the quality of your legal services, and they want to hear whether you were successful in representing your clients. Consider these important statistics about online reviews: 79% of consume[ ... ]

    How to Support Your Community and Be a Hometown Law Firm

    Investing in your community can be a powerful brand-building endeavor and go a long way in creating goodwill for your law firm. Particularly if it is done with caring, enthusiasm and hometown pride. Whether it’s getting involved with the Kiwanis Club, sponsoring a Little League baseball team, contributing to local charities or sponsoring a 5K run – all of these activities signal to your community that you’re invested in people there and deeply appreciate their p[ ... ]

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