Nicole Longo, a native of Upstate New York, embarked on a transformative journey after college by dedicating five years to the Walt Disney World Company. The invaluable lessons she gleaned during this period continue to shape her daily endeavors. The enchantment of central Florida lacked the seasonal transitions she cherished; Nicole relocated to North Carolina.

    With an impressive track record spanning over two decades in the law web marketing realm, Nicole became an integral part of the Gladiator Law Marketing team shortly after its inception, and she now considers it her professional home. Her passion lies in cultivating relationships with clients and steering their campaigns towards success.

    “My favorite part of being a project manager is orchestrating the intricate dance of tasks and timelines, turning complexity into coordinated success. The primary driver of value for our clients lies in our ability to deliver not just results, but a seamless experience that reflects our commitment to excellence.”

    Reflecting on her role, Nicole emphasizes the dynamic nature of web marketing, where change is the only constant. Staying ahead of the curve and adapting to evolving trends are fundamental principles at GLM, and Nicole plays a pivotal role in ensuring excellence in this ever-shifting landscape.

    In her moments away from managing projects and client meetings, Nicole finds solace in her garden, where she immerses herself in the joys of planting, growing, and processing her own food and herbs. Nicole brings her passion for growth and nurturing to both her professional and personal life.

    • Webby Awards Lawyer Marketing Agency
    • Lawyer Web Design Award
    • Weby Award Best Lawyer Website
    • W3 Web Award for Law Firms
    • Awwward Lawyer Web Design Award