Gladiator Law Marketing for Attorneys
Gladiator Law Marketing for Attorneys


AI and Your Law Firm Marketing

November 10, 2023   |   Written by Micayla Frost
Law Firm Marketing Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been the topic on just about every industry’s lips for the past few years. With increased innovation in this area and the introduction of profound new software, AI has transcended its buzzword status and initiated a new era of corporate possibilities. Marketing, though, is a field that has perhaps seen the most opportunities and, in turn, challenges when it comes to this new era.

Marketing is broad-reaching and is applicable to just about every industry. The discussion surrounding implementing AI into a marketing process needs to be contextualized within the industry that is being marketed. For sensitive fields, like law, utilizing AI is more complex because of various delicate considerations. Of course, this is not to say that AI cannot be integrated into a law firm’s marketing strategy, but it is to say that its implementation needs to be careful and highly considered.

In the world of legal marketing, the pursuit of effective strategies to engage prospective clients, establish a prominent and informative online presence, and drive results is unceasing. While experts strive to remain at the forefront of the legal marketing landscape, many find themselves at the crossroads of tradition and innovation. This blog will serve as your comprehensive guide to grappling with the profound impact of AI-generated content on law firm marketing strategies, by offering a holistic understanding of its benefits, drawbacks, and options for actionable implementation.

How To Utilize AI For Your Law Firm Marketing

Despite the risks that adopting AI into your law firm marketing can pose, there are still many, many ways that AI can be used to not only automate time-consuming workflows but also to ideate marketing strategies. Leveraging AI for law firm marketing can help legal practices streamline their efforts, understand their target markets, and enhance the overall efficiency of their marketing campaigns.

Client Segmentation and Optimization

Firms can utilize AI-powered predictive analytics tools to analyze historical client data, identify trends, and predict future client needs. This can help in tailoring your marketing strategies and content to specific client segments. Moreover, AI can segment your client base based on various criteria such as demographics, legal needs, and client behavior. This can allow firms to create personalized marketing messages and offers for different client segments.

Content Generation

AI-generated content can be the first and most obvious choice for a firm seeking to integrate AI into its marketing process. AI-powered content generation tools can create blog posts, articles, case studies, and even legal documents. The caveat to this, of course, is the reliability of these documents and AI’s ability to accurately and authoritatively express information while still maintaining a marketing edge.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

AI engines can perform certain forms of keyword research. These tools can assist in identifying relevant keywords for legal content and can also track keyword rankings and suggest optimizations for better search engine visibility.

Despite this, it is imperative that individuals with extensive SEO experience and knowledge survey the responses of AI tools and ensure that any kind of keyword research is reliable and actually attainable, taking into consideration a number of factors for the firm.

Email and Social Media Marketing

AI can be exceptionally useful when planning social media and email marketing campaigns. Firms can use AI engines to personalize their email campaigns by analyzing recipient behavior and preferences. This then could enable firms to tailor their email campaigns in terms of both content and offers. The end goal of this, of course, is greater engagement and conversion rates from these campaigns. In addition to client analysis, AI engines can craft subject lines, content, and preferred send times.

For social media, AI tools can recognize trends and client behavior to conceive content topics that would resonate and reach your firm’s target audience. This would coincide with using AI to target specific demographics across social media platforms. One particularly effective way to use AI for a targeted social media campaign is to prompt your engine of choice to formulate a comprehensive table containing the type of content, the caption of that content, and the client profile for which it is targeting. This can be further customized to identify platforms and dates for posting. Firms can do this a month in advance in order to have a month’s worth of social media content laid out and ready to be used.

Benefits of AI For Law Firm Marketing

Efficiency: AI is Expedient

The obvious advantage of AI-generated content is that it is fast. Generators are able to produce blog posts, web pages, and even short stories at a rapid pace with little input save a prompt.

While using a generated response in its entirety, without alteration, is not recommended, the time spent editing and ‘humanizing’ a response can still clock in well under the time it would take to write a piece of content from scratch. However, it is important to measure your expectations in terms of timesaving, because humanizing the AI responses will still take some time.

Costs: AI is a Cheaper Alternative

Given that AI-generated content can be produced so rapidly – even with human interaction – the overall cost of producing content can decrease. While this is obviously subject to the amount of time that a writer or editor would spend altering a response, the cost-per-word or the cost-per-hour may indeed go down.

The cost of a piece of content is something that must always be considered, but it is wise to review the quality of AI content in conjunction with the reduction of costs. Quality writing that actually results in a return on investment is far more important than rapidly produced yet low-quality content.

Firms will also have to consider the cost of purchasing a variety of AI tools, as well as any expansions that may be required.

Outlines: AI Can be a Starting Point

AI can be exceptionally useful for creating content not necessarily by drafting an entire document, but by producing valuable outlines, summaries, and topic ideas.

AI-generated outlines can assist writers by suggesting a logical structure for their content; writers can then expand upon these outlines to create articles, reports, essays, and blogs. This can drastically reduce the amount of time spent in the planning phase of content creation. Similarly, AI can be used to generate topic ideas. This can be extended by prompting your engine of choice to provide potential headings, areas for research, and key points for emphasis.

AI can also greatly assist in summarizing sections of content by curating it and selecting and organizing relevant information. This is particularly helpful when lengthy content needs to be broken down into smaller segments, organized, and outlined.

While AI-generated outlines are valuable tools for initiating the content process, it is essential to review and customize these outlines to ensure that they align with your firm’s specific goals and objectives.

Negatives of AI For Law Firm Marketing

Before incorporating any key process into your overall marketing strategy, it is imperative to fully grasp the drawbacks of that process. The disadvantages of adopting AI-generated content require sensitive consideration, but, fortunately, they can be successfully combatted by the right team of professionals.

Uniqueness: AI Can be Homogenous

AI-generated content can often appear to be both homogenous and unremarkable for several reasons, most of which can be attributed to how AI models are trained. These methods carry inherent limitations.

AI models, especially those based on large-scale machine learning, are trained on vast datasets that may contain biased or stereotypical content. These biases can carry over into the generated content, leading to the repetition of certain themes, ideas, or perspectives, which can make the content seem less original. This is also to be contextualized with the fact that AI-generated content mimics existing data by drawing from patterns. Since training data typically consists of existing content – like webpages, blogs, articles, and eBooks – the type of content that AI produces is very likely to closely follow content that already exists. This can also be exacerbated by a limited scope of training data.

Of course, it goes without saying, AI cannot manufacture intuition or creativity. It relies on the content that is already out there to replicate and reproduce patterns, structures, and data. In the same vein, AI struggles to, or simply cannot, contextualize what it learns. This means that nuance is difficult for it to grapple with, and this in turn can result in content that lacks depth, subtlety, or intricacy.

Law firm content often requires a grasp of the intricacies of the law, as well as the nuances of its application. While AI can replicate the type of content that many law firms release, it may not be able to do so fluently and with conviction. Human hands are therefore necessary for ensuring that the marketing content is not only original but nuanced and comprehensive.

Inaccuracy and Misinformation: AI Can Hallucinate

The emergence of AI-generated content was promptly shrouded in mistrust because of a perceived, and occasionally true, tendency to produce inaccurate or misleading information. Engines like ChatGPT were immediately scrutinized for even the slightest showing of misinformation in their generated responses. These instances of inaccurate data, or even complete fiction, have now come to be known as AI hallucinations – not malicious acts of any particular intent.

This phenomenon, though, is possibly the largest concern facing the integration of AI content into any marketing process. This is especially true for sensitive fields such as health care, technology, and the law.

AI hallucination arises from the limitations and biases present in AI models and the data they are trained on. If the training data is skewed, unrepresentative, or contains factual inaccuracies, the AI model can inadvertently learn and perpetuate those biases and inaccuracies in its generated content. If a particular bias or inaccuracy appears frequently in the data, the AI may generate content that aligns with these patterns without necessarily verifying the accuracy of the information.

AI models cannot possess knowledge beyond what is included in their training data. If they encounter a situation or topic they have not seen during training, they may still attempt to generate content, potentially leading to misinformation or inaccuracies due to a lack of context. In cases of ambiguity and uncertainty, AI may make arbitrary choices, leading to content that lacks accuracy. Additionally, AI systems can over-extrapolate information from their training data. For example, if a training dataset contains a limited number of examples on a specific topic, the AI may generate content that extends beyond the scope of its knowledge, resulting in inaccuracies.

The danger of AI hallucinations is that the information, data, or events it purports to know anything about are so well integrated within a single response that this information seems entirely plausible. This, of course, coincides with near-perfect language. The complexities and implications of AI hallucination are that they can and will, if fact-checked, erode trust amongst readers. It can impact their decisions, and it can also deter them from making use of the services the law firm provides.

Addressing the issue of AI hallucinations for your law firm marketing requires certain combinations of human intervention. This can be in the form of assisting writers and editors. Most writers possess significant media literacy and can therefore discern between reliable and unreliable sources of information within AI-generated content.

How to Mitigate the Setbacks of AI

Though AI can be exceptionally useful across a plethora of marketing areas, its setbacks can be enormous and can produce tangible consequences if not mitigated correctly.

The reality is that human intervention and skills are the primary methods of combatting the negative impacts of any AI-generated content. Marketers, writers, editors, and law firms can use an array of AI tools to supplement their work, push through more arduous and time-consuming processes, and expedite their deadlines – but they do need to be actively involved in the process. Simply copying and pasting AI-generated responses is not sufficient nor conducive to creating compelling, accurate, and authoritative content.

When writers approach using AI to craft content, they need to be involved in not only steering the responses but also fact-checking them, editing them, humanizing them, and rigorously checking them for relevance. Editors can use AI tools to quickly pinpoint glaring mistakes in content, but they will still need to perform their usual edit checks; AI tools for editing are apt to miss vital errors, misunderstand context, and obfuscate tone.

One method for writers is to work with AI progressively and at a staggered pace. It is better to prompt AI to draft individual paragraphs or sections than it is to prompt it to write an entire piece. Writers will then have far more control over their content and can intervene at every stage of the piece. They will also then be able to add their expertise to the piece and remove any sections that are inaccurate or irrelevant. This is a task that is far more achievable when AI is employed in stages.

Ultimately, AI cannot currently stand alone in the world of content – particularly when that content is written for industries that rely on trust.


Incorporating AI into your law firm marketing efforts can provide a competitive advantage by increasing efficiency, personalizing campaigns, and understanding who your campaigns are reaching. However, it is essential to select AI solutions that align with your firm’s specific goals and to continuously monitor and adapt your strategies as AI technology evolves. It is imperative that firms ensure that any AI-driven content and practices comply with legal ethics and regulations.

Remember that AI is a tool to enhance your marketing efforts, not a replacement for human expertise and intervention. Combining the power of AI with your legal expertise can lead to more efficient, authoritative marketing campaigns. It is essential to strike a balance between AI-driven content and human-created content. Human oversight, careful monitoring, and regular audits of AI-generated content can help ensure that it aligns with your firm’s values and objectives.


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