Marketing Guide: Employment Lawyers

PPC for Employment Lawyers

Learn how to be effective at PPC for your Employment Law Firm.

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I. Introduction

Establishing a strong online presence is crucial for employment lawyers to effectively connect with their target audience. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a potent strategy that can boost visibility and draw in potential clients. This detailed guide is tailor-made to offer valuable insights and practical strategies for employment law firms.

In this guide, we’ll explore various aspects of PPC, emphasizing its effectiveness in expanding your online reach and grabbing the attention of those seeking employment law services. We’ll cover essential topics like conducting thorough keyword research, fine-tuning campaigns for the best performance, and employing advanced targeting tactics such as geotargeting and remarketing.

By following the advice and putting these strategies into action, employment lawyers can establish a robust online presence that consistently attracts high-quality leads. It empowers them to thrive in the competitive digital landscape.

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II. Understanding PPC

What is PPC?

PPC, or Pay-Per-Click, advertising is a digital marketing strategy commonly used by employment lawyers to promote their services and increase online visibility. With PPC, law firms can create targeted ads that appear on search engines and other online platforms.

In simple terms, PPC works by allowing businesses to bid on specific keywords relevant to their services. When users search for those keywords, the ads appear at the top of the search results, giving exposure to potential clients actively seeking employment law assistance.

Moreover, PPC offers flexibility in targeting specific geographic areas and demographics. Employment lawyers can choose where they want their ads to be displayed, ensuring their message reaches the right audience in their desired regions.

The Benefits of PPC for Employment Lawyers:

PPC, or Pay-Per-Click, advertising brings several advantages to employment lawyers looking to promote their services and boost their online presence:

Increased Visibility:

With PPC, employment lawyers can secure prime ad placements on search engine result pages. This means their ads are more visible to potential clients, showing up above organic search results and increasing the chances of being noticed and clicked on.

Targeted Reach:

PPC allows employment lawyers to target their ads based on specific keywords, demographics, and geographic locations. This precise targeting ensures their ads are shown to individuals actively searching for employment law services in their area, significantly improving the chances of reaching their ideal target audience.

Cost Control:

PPC campaigns are highly customizable and offer control over budget allocation. Employment lawyers can set daily or monthly spending limits and only pay when someone clicks on their ads. This cost-per-click (CPC) model helps optimize ad spending and maximize return on investment.

Immediate Results:

Unlike some other marketing strategies, PPC delivers quick results. Once the campaign is set up, the ads become visible, and potential clients can start clicking on them. This immediacy allows employment lawyers to rapidly generate website traffic and potential leads.

Data-Driven Insights:

PPC platforms provide valuable data and analytics that enable employment lawyers to analyze the performance of their campaigns. Metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and cost-per-click can be measured and analyzed to optimize future campaigns and make data-driven decisions.

How Does PPC Differ from Other Digital Marketing Channels?

PPC, or Pay-Per-Click, stands out from other digital marketing channels in several ways. Here are some key distinctions that set PPC apart:

Immediate Results:

Unlike strategies like search engine optimization (SEO) or email marketing, which can take time to yield results, PPC provides immediate visibility and the ability to generate website traffic right away.

Precise Targeting:

PPC offers highly accurate targeting options. Employment lawyers can focus on their audience based on specific keywords, demographics, and geographic locations. This level of control ensures that the ads reach the most relevant audience, increasing the chances of attracting qualified leads.

Cost Control:

With PPC, employment lawyers have control over their spending. They can set daily or monthly spending limits and only pay when someone clicks on their ads. In contrast, other channels may require a fixed budget with no assurance of results.

Valuable Data Insights:

PPC platforms offer in-depth data and analytics, empowering employment lawyers to assess their campaign’s performance. Metrics like click-through rates, conversion rates, and cost-per-click can be measured and analyzed to fine-tune future campaigns and make informed decisions based on data.

III. Setting Up Your PPC Campaign

Defining Your Goals

Clearly defining your goals is a crucial step in creating a successful PPC campaign for employment lawyers. To establish your campaign goals, follow these steps:

Identify Your Objectives:

Before launching a PPC campaign, employment lawyers should determine what they want to achieve. Objectives may include generating leads, increasing website traffic, or enhancing brand awareness. These objectives serve as the foundation for the campaign and guide which metrics to track.

Establish Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are the metrics used to assess the campaign’s success. Employment lawyers should define KPIs that align with their objectives and monitor their progress against these metrics during the campaign. For instance, if the goal is lead generation, KPIs may encompass click-through rates, conversion rates, and cost-per-lead.

Set a Realistic Budget:

Employment lawyers must set a budget that matches their campaign objectives. A reasonable and adaptable budget ensures the campaign runs smoothly while allowing the lawyer to achieve the desired results without unnecessary constraints.

Define a Target Audience:

It’s crucial to define the ideal target audience to ensure the message is relevant and resonates with potential clients. This ensures that the PPC campaign attracts qualified leads with a higher likelihood of becoming clients.

By clearly defining objectives and KPIs, establishing a realistic budget, and targeting the right audience, employment lawyers can ensure the effectiveness of their PPC campaign, whether the goal is lead generation, increased website traffic, or enhanced brand awareness.

Conducting Keyword Research

Conducting thorough keyword research is a vital step in setting up a successful PPC campaign for employment lawyers. Here’s how to conduct keyword research effectively:

Brainstorm Potential Keywords:

Start by brainstorming a list of relevant keywords that potential clients are likely to use when searching for employment law services online. This includes primary keywords related to employment law and secondary keywords like “employment contract,” “severance agreement,” or “wrongful termination.”

Utilize Keyword Research Tools:

Employment lawyers can employ online keyword research tools to expand their keyword list and assess factors such as search volume, competition, and cost-per-click (CPC) for each keyword. Popular tools include Google Ads Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs.

Analyze Competitor Keywords:

Analyzing the keywords used by competitors in their PPC campaigns provides insights and helps identify potential gaps. This allows employment lawyers to refine their keyword list and ensure their campaigns stand out from the competition.

Refine Keyword List:

Regularly review and refine the keyword list to keep it relevant and up-to-date. This involves removing irrelevant terms, adding new keywords, and adjusting bids to reflect changes in demand or competition.

Through thorough keyword research, employment lawyers can ensure their PPC campaign reaches the right audience with the most effective keywords. This can increase the likelihood of attracting qualified leads, improving conversion rates, and maximizing ROI. Ongoing keyword research ensures the campaign remains relevant and effective over time.

IV. Creating High-Converting Landing Pages

Developing landing pages that effectively convert is a pivotal aspect of a successful PPC campaign for employment lawyers. A well-crafted landing page can entice potential clients to take desired actions, such as submitting a contact form or initiating a consultation. Here are some tips for creating landing pages that maximize conversions:

Ensure Message Alignment:

The content on the landing page should closely match the ad that led the user to it. Keep the messaging clear, concise, and tailored to address the needs and concerns of potential clients. Utilize persuasive language and emphasize the unique value of the employment lawyer’s services.

Employ a Strong Call-to-Action (CTA):

The landing page should feature a prominent and compelling CTA that effectively guides visitors toward the desired action. Make the CTA stand out by using contrasting colors, larger font sizes, or attention-grabbing buttons.

Simplify the Form or Contact Process:

If the objective is to capture leads through a form or contact information, streamline the process to be user-friendly. Minimize the number of required fields in the form, and consider incorporating pre-filled options to reduce friction and enhance conversion rates.

Include Trust Signals:

Establish credibility and trust with potential clients by featuring trust signals on the landing page. These signals may encompass testimonials, reviews, client logos, or professional accreditations that showcase the employment lawyer’s expertise and experience.

Leverage Visuals and Formatting:

Break up the content on the landing page with clear headings, bullet points, and relevant visuals. Utilize high-quality images, videos, or infographics to engage visitors and make the page more visually appealing.

A/B Test and Optimize:

Continuously experiment with different elements of the landing page, such as headlines, CTAs, or form layouts, to identify what resonates best with potential clients. Implement A/B testing to compare various variations and optimize the landing page based on data-driven insights.

By crafting landing pages that are relevant, persuasive, and user-friendly, employment lawyers can maximize their conversion rates and ensure that their PPC campaign attracts quality leads. Consistent testing and optimization will help enhance the performance of landing pages over time, ultimately leading to a more successful campaign.

Leveraging Ad Extensions Effectively

Ad extensions are extra pieces of information that can be added to a PPC ad, providing potential clients with more details about an employment lawyer’s services. Making the most of ad extensions is a critical element in building a successful PPC campaign for employment lawyers. Here are some tips for using ad extensions effectively:

Highlight Key Information: Seize the opportunity to use ad extensions to showcase essential details about the employment lawyer’s services, like office locations, phone numbers, or service categories. This gives potential clients quick and easy access to relevant information, increasing the likelihood that they’ll engage with the ad.

Use Multiple Extensions: Combining several ad extensions can offer potential clients even more information and boost the ad’s visibility on the search results page. Consider using extensions such as site links (links to specific pages on the website), callouts (highlight key selling points), location (display the lawyer’s physical office on a map), call (encourage phone calls), and message extensions (enable text messaging).

Align Extensions with Goals:

Ensure that the ad extensions align with the objectives of the PPC campaign. For instance, if the aim is to generate leads, use call or message extensions to make it easy for potential clients to contact the employment lawyer.

Regularly Test and Optimize:

Continuously experiment with various combinations of ad extensions to identify which ones resonate best with potential clients. Utilize data-driven insights to optimize the performance of ad extensions over time.

By effectively utilizing ad extensions, employment lawyers can provide potential clients with the information they need and enhance the performance of their PPC campaign, ultimately leading to better results.

V. Targeting Strategies for Employment Lawyers

Geotargeting for Employment Lawyers

Geotargeting is a powerful tool that allows employment lawyers to focus their PPC ads on specific geographic locations, offering several advantages:

Localized Marketing:

Geotargeting enables employment lawyers to customize their messaging to particular areas. They can use location-specific keywords, emphasize local expertise, or craft ads with a local touch to connect with potential clients more personally. By addressing the needs and concerns of individuals in a specific region, employment lawyers can boost the relevance of their PPC ads and attract more qualified leads.

Cost Optimization:

With geotargeting, employment lawyers can allocate their budget to the locations that matter most for their business. By concentrating their advertising efforts on areas where they have a higher chance of converting leads into clients, they can optimize their ad spending and enhance their return on investment.

Competitive Advantage:

Geotargeting empowers employment lawyers to stand out from competitors by focusing on locations with less competition. Through a strategic geotargeting approach, they can capitalize on underserved markets or concentrate on areas where they already have a strong presence, positioning themselves as the go-to choice for employment law services in those areas.

Expansion Opportunities:

Geotargeting also aids employment lawyers in identifying potential areas for expansion. Through market research and analysis of their geotargeted campaigns, they can uncover new markets with a high demand for their services, paving the way for business growth and expansion.

By leveraging geotargeting, employment lawyers can ensure that their PPC ads reach the right audience in the right locations, boosting the effectiveness of their campaigns and ultimately attracting more qualified leads and clients to their practice.

Demographic Targeting: Tailoring Your Audience

Demographic targeting is a valuable tool for employment lawyers in their PPC campaigns, allowing them to segment their audience based on specific demographic attributes like age, gender, income, education, or occupation. By tailoring their ads to specific demographic groups, employment lawyers can effectively reach their target audience and enhance campaign performance. Here are the key benefits of demographic targeting:


By understanding the demographics of their ideal clients, employment lawyers can create highly relevant and personalized ad campaigns that resonate with their target audience. Tailoring messaging, visuals, and offers to specific demographic segments increases the likelihood of capturing the attention and interest of potential clients.

Cost Efficiency:

Demographic targeting lets employment lawyers allocate their advertising budget more efficiently by focusing resources on demographic groups most likely to use their services. This reduces wasted ad spending on audiences that may not be a good fit, ultimately improving the ROI of their PPC campaigns.

Improved Conversion Rates:

Targeting specific demographic segments allows employment lawyers to refine their messaging and calls to action to appeal directly to the unique needs, concerns, or preferences of those groups. This can lead to higher conversion rates as potential clients feel a stronger connection and motivation to take action.

Market Insights:

Demographic targeting provides valuable market insights and data that employment lawyers can use to refine their overall marketing strategy. Analyzing the performance of different demographic segments helps lawyers better understand their audience, discover new opportunities, and make data-driven decisions to optimize their campaigns.

By using demographic targeting in their PPC campaigns, employment lawyers can effectively reach their target audience, deliver personalized and relevant ads, and achieve higher conversion rates.

VI. Connecting with Users Actively Seeking Legal Advice

In-market targeting is a method that helps employment lawyers reach users actively seeking legal advice. To implement in-market targeting effectively in their PPC campaigns, employment lawyers should start by identifying the relevant in-market audiences that align with their practice. These audiences are specific groups of users who are currently researching employment law topics or displaying strong signals of intent related to legal services. Identifying these users allows employment lawyers to create more precise and effective campaigns.

To employ in-market targeting, employment lawyers can use a combination of traditional keyword targeting and machine learning technology. They can begin by selecting relevant keywords related to their areas of practice, such as “employment law,” “workplace discrimination,” or “unpaid wages.” Based on these keywords, platforms like Google can identify users who are actively searching for or engaging with content related to these subjects.

Furthermore, employment lawyers can refine their targeting by utilizing machine learning models that analyze user behavior and intent. These models leverage data like search history, browsing patterns, and content engagement to pinpoint users who have shown a higher likelihood of converting. By targeting these users, employment lawyers can enhance their chances of success and maximize their advertising budget.

The key to successful in-market targeting lies in delivering highly relevant and personalized ads that cater to the interests, needs, and concerns of users. Employment lawyers should concentrate on crafting compelling ad copy that emphasizes their areas of expertise, unique selling propositions, and key benefits. Additionally, optimizing their landing pages to align with the user’s search intent and providing a clear call to action can further improve the effectiveness of their in-market targeting efforts.

VII. Remarketing

Reconnecting with Previous Website Visitors

Remarketing is a potent strategy that employment lawyers can employ to re-engage with past website visitors and increase the chances of converting them into clients. Implementing remarketing involves a few key steps:

Set Up Audience Segmentation:

Begin by dividing your website visitors into different groups based on their actions and engagement levels. For instance, you can create an audience for users who visited your contact page but didn’t submit a form or another audience for users who viewed a specific service page. This segmentation allows for more precise ad targeting.

Install Tracking Tags:

Place remarketing tracking tags or pixels on your website to collect data on visitor interactions. These tags identify users who have previously visited your site and track their behavior across multiple visits. Platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads provide instructions on setting up and installing these tags.

Craft Relevant Ad Content:

Create compelling ad copy and visuals tailored to each audience segment. Highlight your unique strengths, showcase client testimonials, or include special offers to entice past visitors to interact with your ads. This customization enhances relevance and captures the attention of potential clients.

Implement a Frequency Cap:

Prevent overwhelming your past visitors with excessive ads by implementing a frequency cap. This limits how often an individual sees your remarketing ads over a specified period, preventing ad fatigue and ensuring a positive user experience.

Optimize Landing Pages:

Ensure that the landing pages you direct your remarketing audience to align with their initial interests or actions on your website. Make sure these pages reinforce your messaging, offer clear calls to action, and provide a seamless user experience. This optimization improves the chances of conversion.

Monitor and Adjust:

Continuously monitor the performance of your remarketing campaigns and make adjustments based on the insights you gather. Analyze metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and cost per conversion to optimize your campaigns and achieve improved results over time.

VIII. Tracking and Measuring Success

Implementing Conversion Tracking

Implementing conversion tracking is a vital step in optimizing the impact of remarketing efforts for employment lawyers. Conversion tracking enables you to measure and analyze the actions users take after engaging with your ads, providing valuable insights into which campaigns and strategies drive tangible business outcomes. Here’s how to effectively implement conversion tracking:

Define Your Conversion Goals:

Start by identifying the actions on your website that represent valuable conversions for your employment law practice. These actions may include completing a contact form, scheduling a consultation, or downloading a resource. Clearly defining your conversion goals enables you to track and optimize for these specific actions.

Set Up Conversion Tracking Tags:

Install conversion tracking tags on your website to monitor user actions and attribute them to specific campaigns or ad groups. Platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads offer guidance on how to set up these tags. You can track conversions by placing these tags on the appropriate thank-you or confirmation pages that users land on after completing a desired action.

Configure Conversion Values:

Assign values to your conversions to measure the impact of different actions on your business. For example, you might assign a higher value to a consultation booking than to a general contact form submission. These assigned values help you assess the return on investment of your remarketing campaigns and prioritize actions that have the most significant impact.

Test and Optimize:

Regularly analyze your conversion tracking data to identify which campaigns, keywords, or ad creatives yield the most conversions. Utilize this information to continuously refine and optimize your remarketing strategy. Adjust bids, refine ad copy, or experiment with different audience segments to consistently improve your conversion rates.

Integrate with CRM Systems:

If your employment law practice employs a customer relationship management (CRM) system, consider integrating it with your conversion tracking tools. This integration allows you to attribute conversions to specific leads or clients, providing a comprehensive understanding of the customer journey and the influence of your remarketing efforts on client acquisition.

Through the implementation of conversion tracking, employment lawyers can gain deeper insights into the effectiveness of their remarketing campaigns. This data-driven approach enables them to fine-tune their marketing strategies, allocate budgets more efficiently, and ultimately drive higher conversions and business growth.

Analyzing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

To run successful remarketing campaigns as an employment lawyer, it’s crucial to adopt a data-driven approach by analyzing key performance indicators (KPIs). KPIs offer concrete evidence of your campaign’s success, enabling data-driven decision-making and optimization for better results. Here are some essential KPIs to track and analyze for your remarketing campaigns:

Click-Through Rate (CTR):

This metric measures the percentage of users who click on your remarketing ads after seeing them. A low CTR could signal poorly optimized ad content or a mismatch between your ads and the target audience.

Conversion Rate (CR):

This metric gauges the percentage of users who complete the desired action after clicking on your ads, such as filling out a contact form or scheduling a consultation. A low conversion rate might indicate issues with your landing page or an audience misalignment.

Cost per Conversion (CPA):

CPA reveals the cost of each conversion, providing insights into the effectiveness and efficiency of your marketing budget. A lower CPA implies that you are generating conversions at a more affordable cost.

Return on Ad Spend (ROAS):

This metric measures the revenue generated from ads relative to the ad spend. A positive ROAS indicates that your campaigns are generating more revenue than what you’re spending.


This KPI tracks how often your ads are displayed to an individual user. A high frequency may suggest that your targeting is too broad or that your ads need optimization for conversion.

By continually monitoring and analyzing these KPIs, employment lawyers can gain insights to consistently optimize their remarketing campaigns. This data-driven approach empowers them to refine their targeting, ad content, and campaigns, ultimately achieving a better return on investment and overall business growth.

IX. Optimizing Your PPC Campaigns

Analyzing key performance indicators (KPIs) in your pay-per-click (PPC) campaign is crucial for enhancing its effectiveness as an employment lawyer. Data analysis can guide you in refining your targeting, ad copy, bidding strategy, and overall campaign structure. Here are some vital strategies to optimize your PPC campaigns based on data:

Regular Keyword Performance Analysis:

Continuously measure metrics such as click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and cost per conversion to assess the performance of your keywords. Use this data to refine your keyword selection and bid strategy.

Device-Specific Optimization:

Analyze how your campaigns perform on different devices and optimize your ads accordingly. Ensure that your ads and landing pages are user-friendly and effective on various devices, including mobile.

Leverage Remarketing:

Implement remarketing campaigns to target users who have previously expressed interest in your legal services. Tailor your remarketing ads to re-engage with these potential clients.

Landing Page Metrics:

Examine landing page metrics like bounce rate, time on page, and conversion rate. Optimize your landing page by improving page load speed, and usability, and aligning the content with the user’s search intent.

By consistently analyzing campaign data and making adjustments based on insights, you can achieve better campaign performance, increase conversions, and maximize your return on investment for your employment law practice.

X. Conclusion

Successful PPC advertising requires ongoing monitoring, optimization, and adaptation. By applying the strategies outlined in this comprehensive guide, employment lawyers can make the most of PPC advertising and drive their law firm’s growth in today’s competitive digital landscape.

Learn how to effectively leverage Google’s Local Service Ads for your Employment Law Firm.

Need help with PPC for your law firm? Contact the Gladiator Law Marketing team. For over 10 years we have been helping employment law firms grow with actionable, data-driven marketing strategies. Our track record speaks for itself, with a remarkable 95% client retention rate. From award-winning websites to high-ROI SEO, PPC and Social Media campaigns, Gladiator Law Marketing can help your law firm stand out in a crowded marketplace. Contact us at 888-683-3212.


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