In the ever-evolving world of Google, a new opportunity is shining over the horizon in the form of Local Service Ads for lawyers (LSAs). This new option is a lead-generation tool that connects prospective clients directly to you through call, text, or your firm’s intake software. It is designed to match potential customers with local firms and businesses. There’s been a lot of buzz lately about Local Service Ads for [ ... ] [Read More]
So, we’ve all heard about the importance of understanding the Google algorithm. – that mysterious, slightly intimidating cobweb of artificial intelligence that can cause traffic to your law firm website to skyrocket or to limp feebly into oblivion. A lot rides on this vague, little-understood confluence of signals at Google. The algorithm impacts your online marketing efforts, your revenue, and the value of your brand. Now seems like a good time to become better [ ... ] [Read More]
Folks believe a lot of things about lawyers that may or may not be true. Sometimes we hear these in good-natured jokes, and other times they are simply assumptions that potential clients have, even though they may not be accurate. It’s important to dispel these myths because it could make the difference between a person picking up the phone and calling your law firm or dismissing the thought altogether. Members of the public have misconceptions about the legal field. [ ... ] [Read More]
So, we know that targeted SEO (search engine optimization) causes readers to land on your web page when they query Google looking for a law firm to hire. But what happens next? How do you get that user to take the next step after reading your page and pick up the phone to call your firm or send you a message? The key here is strong CRO (conversion rate optimization). Getting a user to “convert” and directly engage with your law firm significantly boosts the [ ... ] [Read More]
It’s important to understand that advertising is a science as well as a creative endeavor. Advertising can be a feel-good exercise, but it can also be a strategic weapon that propels your law firm ahead of the competition. Any spending on advertising should be planned, measured, and analyzed after placement to determine its ROI. Most law firms’ marketing budgets are finite; and to get the most bang for your buck out of the money you spend, you must be able to [ ... ] [Read More]
Investing in your community can be a powerful brand-building endeavor and go a long way in creating goodwill for your law firm. Particularly if it is done with caring, enthusiasm and hometown pride. Whether it’s getting involved with the Kiwanis Club, sponsoring a Little League baseball team, contributing to local charities or sponsoring a 5K run – all of these activities signal to your community that you’re invested in people there and deeply appreciate their [ ... ] [Read More]
When people search for information online, it’s important to remember that they often ask questions that are full sentences. This is especially true in the age of Siri and other voice-activated searches because people speak their questions rather than write them. So, what does this have to do with law firm websites and your ability to market your firm? Turns out, EVERYTHING! Hummingbird, one of Google’s most significant algorithm updates in years, places great [ ... ] [Read More]
Have you ever checked the Internet looking for a plumber or lawn service and then POW!! You read a testimonial that stops you in your tracks. The client seems so impressed and happy with the service provided that it compels you to make a phone call. The same can be true of law firms. The power of client testimonials cannot be overstated! There’s nothing like an independent, third-party endorsement to tip the scales and convert a website visitor into a [ ... ] [Read More]
So, you want to stand out from the competition? Then you’ll need some “differentiators” that clearly state those qualities that set you apart from the law firm down the street. Differentiators are authentic and crisp promises to potential clients that tip the scales in your favor and cause them to choose your firm. Notice we said “authentic,” which means that they need to be unique, and you have to perform to them. Also, you want to make sure that they [ ... ] [Read More]
Pay-per-click is a fabulous tool. It allows for extreme customization when it comes to targeting. Geography Device (Desktop vs. Mobile) Landing Page (You get complete control over what page the prospect sees.) Budget Demographics (Like income.) To top it all off, PPC starts to produce immediate results because it catapults your firm to the top of the search engine results. So, what could potentially be bad about PPC? The Bell Curve With marketing, you can’t spend a [ ... ] [Read More]