Advancing Justice Through Technology and Litigation With Karl Seelbach
January 3, 2024 | Written by Gladiator Law Marketing

Karl Seelbach is the Founder of Skribe, an AI-powered platform that offers a modern alternative to traditional court reporting. He is a seasoned litigation attorney with over 17 years of courtroom experience, specializing in personal injury, business, and employment litigation. Karl’s legal journey began at Winstead PC, one of Texas’ largest law firms, where he honed his skills under the mentorship of top litigators, including former appellate judges. In 2015, he co-founded Doyle & Seelbach PLLC, a Texas law firm known for its expertise in civil litigation.
Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:
- Karl Seelbach shares how and when he knew he wanted to be an attorney
- What led Karl to launch his own firm
- The emotional toll of personal injury cases on plaintiffs
- The role of defense lawyers in personal injury cases
- Karl talks about his early days as a lawyer
- What inspired the creation of Skribe?
- How to use AI to improve deposition transcripts and video clips
- Why modernizing legal processes is crucial
In this episode…
The intersection of law and technology is creating groundbreaking changes in how justice is delivered. How exactly are these advances reshaping the courtroom experience and the broader legal landscape? According to Karl Seelbach, a seasoned attorney and tech entrepreneur, the integration of technology in legal processes is not merely a convenience but a fundamental shift. By leveraging tools like AI-powered platforms, legal professionals can now handle complex cases with unprecedented precision and speed. This evolution, Karl points out, is not only about making jobs easier for lawyers but also about making justice more accessible and transparent for clients. The technological advancements enable a more thorough analysis of evidence, facilitate quicker resolution of cases, and significantly reduce the costs associated with legal proceedings, ultimately democratizing legal services. In this episode of
15 Minutes, Chad Franzen sits down with Karl Seelbach, Founder of Skribe, to explore the evolving world of law and technology. They discuss Karl’s journey of becoming an attorney, the inspiration behind Skribe, and its impact on litigation and legal accessibility. He also talks about the challenges and rewards of founding a law firm, the role of technology in modern legal practices, and strategies for making legal services more efficient and client-friendly.
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Episode Transcript
Intro 0:01 You’re listening to
15 Minutes, where we feature community leaders sharing what the rest of us should know but likely don’t.
Chad Franzen 0:13 Hi. Chad Franzen here, one of the hosts of Share Your Voice where we talk with top notch law firms and lawyers about what it takes to grow a successful law practice. This episode is brought to you by Gladiator Law Marketing, delivering tailor made services to help you accomplish your objectives and maximize your growth potential. To have a successful marketing campaign and make sure you’re getting the best ROI your firm needs to have a better website and better content. Gladiator Law Marketing uses artificial intelligence, machine learning and decades of experienced outperform the competition. To learn more, go to where you can schedule a free marketing consultation. Karl Seelbach is co founder of Doyle and Seelbach PLLC law firm and the innovative mind behind Whether it’s dominating Texas courtrooms are pushing the boundaries of legal tech, Karl’s expertise is in a league of its own off duty in Dripping Springs, Texas. He embraces the joys of being a proud girl dad cheering from the sidelines of his two daughters volleyball and basketball games. Hey, Karl, great to have you today. Thanks for joining me.
Karl Seelbach 1:15 Thanks, Chad. I appreciate you having me.
Chad Franzen 1:15 Hey, tell me as we get started here, how and when did you know you wanted to become an attorney?
Karl Seelbach 1:25 So that’s a great question. And so for me, it actually goes back to probably been about nine or 10 years old, growing up in a small town in northeast Texas. I grew up in Henderson, Texas, and my dad was in the oil and gas business and worked as a safety engineer. And in addition to working for these companies, he also had kind of a part time side gig doing personal injury expert witness work. So he would be brought into these cases to analyze how an accident happen and provide, you know, his assessment of whose responsibility it was how it could have been prevented. And so he got a home office when he was not offshore working on oil and gas platforms. But when he was home, he’d have a home office, and he’d be working these cases. And anyway, long story short, you know, I’d go into his office bugging him, I was probably 9, 10 years old. Hey, Dad, you know, let’s go through the baseball. Let’s go do this. Let’s go do that. And, you know, he finally said, One day, hey, why don’t you want to read this. And he handed me a deposition transcript of a really gruesome kind of personal injury case, and kind of flipped to the pages where the accident was being described. And I was really just, I was intrigued. I mean, to me, it was super interesting, especially being kind of a gruesome personal injury to a 19 year old boy, that’s kind of fascinating. And so, you know, I got to meet some of the attorneys that he used to work with. And as I learned kind of more about what they do more about what my dad was doing. It just kind of inspired me. I mean, I kind of knew that I wanted to go to law school, probably from from around that age, pretty young age.
Chad Franzen 3:02 So you, you know, you kind of grew up thinking that that’s what you wanted to do. How did you kind of get started in the legal industry, then?
Karl Seelbach 3:09 Yeah, so I mean, I wasn’t 100% sure that that’s what I wanted to do. Part of me thought about going to become a CPA. So I actually did take some accounting classes and undergrad. But I also had a double major in political science. And really, at the end, when I was weighing those two career paths, the legal option just seemed more interesting. The other one that I enjoyed it, but it just seems a little bit more stale, to me, at least. And so I ended up going to Stephen F. Austin for undergrad and then south Texas for law school. And, you know, my path was pretty straight. I knew I wanted to do advocacy, I wanted to do litigation. South Texas has one of the top advocacy programs in the nation. And I was fortunate enough to be a part of that and do some of those tournaments and even win some of those tournaments. And so that was a lot of fun. And it got me in courtrooms mock courtrooms back then. And from there, I worked at a large Texas law firm called Winstead for many, many years. And that was how I got this. That’s how I started my career. And so I was in Houston at the time and started as just a cog in the wheel, so to speak of a big law firm and you know, carrying the briefcase for the first couple of years.
Chad Franzen 4:21 Have you always done personal injury law as you you kind of decided you wanted to do when you were young?
Karl Seelbach 4:28 Um, you know, that’s a that’s a good question. I’ve almost always I would say when I first started at Winstead, back in 2006, I was doing a lot of different things, you know, like a lot of young associates, you try to get exposure to the various partners and their practices. So I was doing some finance and banking related litigation. I was doing some appellate litigation. I was doing just run of the mill commercial litigation, business disputes. But once I got a taste of kind of handling a personal injury case I kind of knew that that’s what I enjoyed more, it tends to be more, at least in my experience more people oriented less paper. And so you get to kind of go develop the facts, investigate the scene of the accident interview, people take lots of depositions. And some of the other things I was doing, it’s not that I didn’t enjoy them, but they tended to be like, okay, you know, here’s a roomful of boxes, review all of the documents in this, you know, construction defect case, or this, you know, complex commercial litigation case. And, you know, there’s there’s pros and cons to that. But I found that developing the facts through investigation, interviews, and depositions, was just what it was more interesting to me.
Chad Franzen 5:42 So you, you have launched a firm Doyle and Seelbach PLLC, what kind of led you to that point.
Karl Seelbach 5:49 Um, so, you know, a good, really good friend of mine, one of my best friends, Trek Doyle, and I started that law firm in 2015. And what led us to that path was kind of the reality that we were at a great law firm Winstead. That had a lot to offer, but like many larger firms, the rates were a little bit higher. And so nothing uncommon to them, it’s just the nature of the type of work that they typically do. Personal Injury is not always a great fit for those types of law firms, it just tends to be a little more rate sensitive. So what led us to starting our own firm was, we kind of realized if we were going to try to grow it, beyond just one or two clients, we needed some more rate flexibility, and hanging out our own shingle so to speak, would allow us to drop our rates. And we felt like, it was kind of you know, if we build it, hopefully, they’ll come type of mentality. And the thought was, if we brought our rates down, that we could begin to land more and more clients. And so in 2015, we launched the firm with one client, and one case, so it’s pretty stressful.
Chad Franzen 6:52 Okay, yeah. So so your thought was, if we build up they will come. And you had one client. Take me through that, like, the early days, obviously, you survived past that one client. So Tell, tell me kind of how maybe the the evolution starting with the ground up from the ground up?
Karl Seelbach 7:07 Yeah. Okay, from the ground up. Yeah, my wife was pregnant at the time with my youngest daughter, and she probably thought I was crazy for starting a company at that point in our life. But so, you know, we really just had kind of the fire in the belly, right? It was kind of out of out of necessity, but also desire to build something, build something that was our own. And so we just network like crazy people, right? We drive to Dallas, we drive to Houston, we drive anywhere, anywhere, someone would sit down and meet with us or talk to us, we’d go see them and just get our name out there more and more and more. And we already had quite a few contacts and leads who had indicated, you know, hey, we would be interested in using you on a case if your rate was a little bit lower. And but those things don’t happen overnight. It’s not like okay, now I launched my own firm, send me that case. And so it took a little bit of time for that to mature. And we were at first, you know, to be frank with you, we were taking anything that walked in the door. I mean, we had, we had a bunch of very interesting cases back then, in varying practice areas. But over time, some of those books that we had in the water begin to land, and we got more and more and more repeat Personal Injury defense, we’re from large companies. And at that point, you know, it’s kind of up to you to do a good job. And if you do a good job, usually they’ll send you another file. And so that’s how we grew it.
Chad Franzen 8:28 Is there a moment? That’s particularly memorable from your firm’s lifespan, you know, since 2015, that you’re particularly proud of like, wow, this, this kind of stands out, this put us at a different level, something like that.
Karl Seelbach 8:42 Um, you know, it’s interesting. I was, I would say that, it’s, it’s not necessarily one you would expect, because it’s not what we do now. Um, but it was, it was a, it was a learning experience. And it stands out as something that was not only a whim, but it taught me a lot about the practice of law, particularly what the other side experiences in a personal injury case, Trek and I had a personal injury case years ago. I’m blanking on the year, but it was several years ago, where we represented an individual who had been assaulted by police officers. And we were on the plaintiff side of that case, and it was both a civil rights case and a personal injury case. And it was really, really interesting. We learned so much about what it takes to be on the plaintiff side of personal injury case. And, you know, for my fellow defense lawyers out there, you know, there’s a lot to it. I mean, you know, you’ve got to have some nerves of steel on the plaintiff side. And I would say we got very, we were very passionate about that case, and we tried it in front of a jury in Austin, Texas, in federal court before Judge Sam sparks and we won the case. And so that was really, really nice too. Nice feeling. Probably one of the, at least at this point in my career one of the few times if only, that I actually got to talk about the Constitution and my closing argument in front of the jury. So that was really, that was really fun to talk about, you know, justice and what it means, you know, to be treated equally under the law and the concept of the use of excessive force and the trust that we place in police officers to protect us and to not make, you know, assumptions and the power that comes with, you know, wielding a weapon and what that means. And so it was, you know, it was, it was very rewarding. And I think part of the reason I think back to that case, is not only the fact that it was a win, but the fact that I got to see the personal toll, the emotional toll that a personal injury case takes on the plaintiff themselves, him or herself. And it really helped frame for me, my role in the justice system, now primarily being on the defense side. But it helps frame it all for me, and helps me not take for granted that that’s a real human being on the other side of this case. And this is, you know, it’s impacted their life in some way. And while obviously, we want to do a great job for our clients, and for me, that means mitigating their exposure, we also want to find out the truth of what happened. And so, you know, when I’m coaching my team at the firm, which has grown to 23 people, I think we’re about to add number 24 In the coming few weeks. But when I’m coaching them, you know, I’m like, Look, this is not a winning is important. But it’s not a win at all cost mentality. What’s more important is finding out exactly what happened, how bad the person was hurt, what’s real versus exaggerated worth versus occasionally made up? Because we do see some of that too. And then giving our client a realistic assessment of their exposure, you know, what is their exposure? Should they settle this? If so, what’s a reasonable amount, versus taking it the distance and letting a judge or a jury or an arbitrator decide? So I think it’s a very important role in the process? Right? I mean, if you didn’t have defense lawyers involved, I mean, imagine the cost of consumer goods and other things. If no one was there to put up a fight. And plaintiff’s lawyers could just, you know, beat the corporation’s over the head. So you know, I kind of view it through the lens that what the plaintiff’s lawyers do is extremely important. But so the same is true for the defense.
Chad Franzen 12:33 So it sounds like you’re just looking for the right and fair outcome. Did you Have you always had that attitude? Or did that kind of strike you as you represent, as you kind of represented the opposite side?
Karl Seelbach 12:45 I think two things happen. So the answer to your question is no, I have not always had that attitude. And part of it was being a young, eager, maybe over eager, some of my opponents from years ago would probably have said, you know, I used to have a little bit more of a, you know, we’re just going to beat the other side, whatever it takes, we’re going to beat the other side, how are we going to win? You know, how can we spend this? How can we do it this way? I think two things happened, I got a little bit older, and I represented some plaintiffs. And I think it was a combination of those two things having handled probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 to 15% of personal injury cases, when we first started our firm, and also getting a little more mature, both you know, just in life, but also in my career, helped sharpen my focus and also improve my perspective.
Chad Franzen 13:36 As I mentioned, you are the innovative mind behind Before we take a closer look at it, tell me kind of in general, you know, why would somebody actually tell me first what led to your developing
Karl Seelbach 13:52 So it was taking lots of depositions taking and defending lots of depositions. So, you know, I would I started taking when I was sworn in to be an attorney in the state of Texas, I had a really fortunate experience at my prior firm, where the partners were really good about getting young lawyers involved. And so I was actually sworn in at a trial. And I was, you know, the judge that was presiding over the case had me in the courtroom, raise my hand swore me in whatever the process is, I can’t remember it’s been a while. And then I took a witness right then and there on on the stand in for I was a bench trial. So not quite as nervous as being in front of a jury, but it was still pretty nerve racking as a brand new attorney doing that. And so, between that and some other partners that I worked with that very quickly put me in the courtroom put me in the deposition room. I just started getting tons of deposition experience. And I would always kind of wander as I was sitting in those conference rooms and looking at the stenography machine which have you ever seen this tomography machine by the way? No. So you should Google stenography machine, it is very interesting profession. And it’s a keyboard that doesn’t have any letters on it. And the stenographer often called the court reporter, is typing phonetic notes of everything that said, and they’re typing really, really, really, really, really, really fast to get a written transcription of the deposition. And then for me, you know, video is the most powerful form of evidence in a video conveys the emotion, it conveys the tone, you can learn things from the video that you just can’t get from stale text. And so I pay my client would pay a videographer to be there too. And so we’d be paying us demographer to sit there and type on a funky looking keyboard, and a videographer to set up equipment that looks like it was from 1980, to film Jaws, you know, or something, just to capture a record of what was being said. And I’ve always been a bit of a techie and it kind of struck me as odd that we were paying so much money, when I had this extremely capable in a computer iPad smartphone, like was it wouldn’t have be a better way to do this. And so that’s, that’s really part of what inspired wishes, my own experience and witnessing kind of firsthand some of the inefficiencies of the process.
Chad Franzen 16:17 So who would most benefit from visiting
Karl Seelbach 16:26 Yeah, so it would be anyone who works with depositions in their practice. So whether that’s an attorney, or a paralegal or legal assistant, they could all benefit from from what Skribe has to offer. So yeah, it’s a good question.
Chad Franzen 16:40 Okay, so I’m going to share my screen here. And we’ll take a look ticket, dive a little deeper into it. First, I was while you were talking there, I was Googling a stenography machine. So for those who are able to watch on video, is that what you’re talking about here?
Karl Seelbach 16:56 Yeah, you got it. So it’s really, like it’s a very impressive profession. It’s an ographers are extremely skilled, they have to go to special training school to get certified to do this. And, you know, they are taking phonetic notes of what said, and then after the deposition, they go through a process of scoping those notes and their software that helps accelerate that. But essentially, the phonetic notes are then translated into words that you and I can read in a transcript.
Chad Franzen 17:26 Okay, very interesting. So let’s talk about We’re looking at the home screen right now. You know, people come here. What can they find by going to the you know, the homes going to going to and hitting enter?
Karl Seelbach 17:43 Yeah. So if you’ll hit the product tab is probably the frame kind of your earlier question of who can benefit from this, and why would they benefit. So as that’s as as loading up, I’ll just kind of explain at a high level. You know, the cost to capture your testimony has grown considerably, just since COVID. I mean, it’s grown considerably in the last 10 years. But if you just rewind to 2020, to the present, the cost to take a deposition has just, it’s more than doubled. And so to get a video deposition, with a stenographer from a court reporting agency, is now costing somewhere around $800 per record hour. So for a two hour deposition, about $1,600, for a three hour deposition over $2,000. And that’s a lot of money. It’s more than what most attorneys charge much more than what most attorneys charge for their time. And so ascribe is a modern alternative. And the thought is, you know, we’ve come a long way, since the stenography machine was invented in 1877. And there’s a better way that we can do this now. And that’s through software. And so Skribe the product has two pillars, Skribe Live, which is for taking depositions, or any other forms of testimony, examinations under oath, recorded statements, witness interviews, anywhere where you need to capture the spoken word, you can use Skribe Live for that. And that is powered by Zoom, we’re actually an official Zoom ISV partner. And so the experience is really almost identical to the user as the meeting that we’re having right now. It happens in Zoom. And most of the magic is taking place actually, on the back end, where scribe servers are connecting in and capturing that information, the video and the audio, and then transcribing it after the fact.
Chad Franzen 19:31 Wow, very nice. So we’re taking a look at the product page now anything that that should stand out to us?
Karl Seelbach 19:43 Yeah, so the second part is really Skribe Library. So I said there were two pillars one kind of we’ve already talked about the there’s cost savings, there’s time savings associated with Skribe Live, which I’ll come back to in just a minute. The second is Skribe Library and the thought there is, you know, at least in my practice, I often have a lot of audio When video files, whether that’s a video deposition, that maybe the other side, pick the court reporting company, or it’s, you know, training videos, 911 calls, body cam recordings. And there’s all types of audio and video files in a case. And rather than have those files, sitting in a file cabinet or just sitting on a case management platform, it’s just a follow, you can download and watch or listen, Skribe Library gives you a way to put all of your audio and video into a platform where you can actually keyword search, analyze and clip that information. So with every audio or video file, you upload into Skribe Library, you get a transcript of a process within minutes, and then you can actually go in and keyword search it, you can create clips, and you can actually share those clips just as easy as I would send you a YouTube video, you get a little URL, and then you can just drop that in to, you know, an email report a brief, and the recipient can just click it and the corresponding clip pops up and plays in the browser.
Chad Franzen 21:03 Okay, so there’s also a litigators page, just kind of introduce me to that one, as I click on it here.
Karl Seelbach 21:10 Yeah, sure. And that is it’s loading on your end, I’ll mention a couple of other benefits. So again, Skribe was designed, you know, kind of by an attorney to solve problems that I’ve personally experienced, and the two big ones, really three big ones were time, it took me way too long to get a copy of my record, unless I was willing to pay, you know, really hostage prices double triple to get it faster. And that just didn’t feel right to me in the modern day 2023, to have to wait so long to get a copy of something that just happened and was video recorded. So with Skribe you get within about one to two hours of your deposition, you get a video synced transcript where you can, as what’s on the screen now points out, you can create same day video clips, you don’t have to pay any extra to get it synced to the transcript, you don’t have to wait, you don’t have to load it into some special software that you need. A license for everyone on your team can access the deposition video synced to a transcript, within a couple of hours of the deposition itself. So there’s the speed component is pretty important. And, you know, once you kind of have all your testimony at your fingertips, so to speak, it gives you some really cool options that attorneys are just beginning to kind of see the potential of what they can do with that video testimony. So things like actually putting a highlight reel in your brief so that in the facts section of emotion or of a brief, you not only have the transcript, but you can actually put video clips into your brief that the judge can then watch the testimony. I mean, that’s a pretty cool thing. And our my firm is doing it other firms are doing it, we had a motion for summary judgment filed in Dallas just a couple of months ago that included video clips, it just makes it not only more persuasive, but more impactful when you can put the video evidence into your work product.
Chad Franzen 23:06 There’s also a, you know, a pricing page, a few more other pages, and there’s the opportunity to try it for free once once somebody tries it, whether they you know, pay, or they just try it for free. What do you think? How will their life change?
Karl Seelbach 23:21 Yeah, oh, that’s a that’s a very good question. It’s a loaded question, right? How would your life change? So there’s two aspects to this, like, if we just take a step back. One is very much a access to justice, who is ultimately paying for this at the end of the day. And so I mentioned the cost earlier of just how expensive it’s become to take a video deposition with its demographer transcript. At the end of the day, the client is who usually bears the cost, whether it’s a plaintiff personal injury case, and the they’re settling up the account at the end of the lawsuit. Or if it’s on the other side of the V, and it’s a defense, a defense attorney, they’re passing that cost through to their clients to pay, it doesn’t mean that they don’t care about the price, they still care about the price, but the clients are the ones ultimately footing the bill. So, you know, when you asked me, How does it change your life, if you use Skribe one, you’re doing a better job for your client, because you’re you’re getting a higher quality record that you can do more things with for a much better price. And so to me, and there’s even ethical rules around this concept of being a good steward of your client’s money and their funds. And so I think that, on the one hand, you’re going to it is better for the clients to look at modern alternatives, whether that scribe or some other company. The fact is, you should always be looking for ways to modernize your processes and to reduce the cost for your clients if you can still do as good or better a job. On the other hand, if you’re a litigator, or you’re someone who works with litigators, you know the paralegals carry a heavy burden, and are often under appreciated. And so if you’re a paralegal or a legal assistant, or secretary, or someone who works in litigation support, what it does for you is, is really two ways it actually does change your life and in the role that you have. And so let me give two examples. One is the speed, there’s no more waiting, there’s no more, do we have a copy of the transcript? Oh, my gosh, we’ve got a deposition, you know, in two days, or we have something we have to file tomorrow, where is that deposition, you have it, you have the rough sync to the video within an hour to two, and you actually get your final transcript within three days of the deposition with no rush fees. So it the speed alone kind of makes it easier for the attorneys and their teams to digest what just happened today, and get ready for what needs to happen tomorrow. So you know, that’s one way. And I think that’s a pretty big impact just in and of itself. The other is, it puts all of that testimony that historically, if you just ask your average attorney, hey, if you wanted to create a video clip, or an audio clip of either a deposition or some other file some other media file in your case file, what would that process look like? And how much time would it take. And that and your average response is going to be something like, I have no idea how to do that. Or I would highlight with a highlighter or an Adobe, a transcript. And then I would have to hand that off to someone else on my team, or maybe to a vendor to go and create video clips for me. And that’s not only takes a lot of time, because it involves multiple people. But it often involves an expense with a vendor who’s not going to charge you to create all those video clips. So you think about like getting ready for a trial or getting ready for mediation. And so with scribe, it really is as simple as highlighting text. Like when you highlight the text within the application, you can create a video clip that you can then download, or you can then share with that URL, like I was talking about earlier. So it really just speed stuff up and you can stop sharing if you want. There’s nothing else on the marketing page really to show.
Chad Franzen 27:19 Okay, well, it sounds good. So that’s As we wrap things up here, just tell me a little bit more how people can find out about Doyle and Seelbach.
Karl Seelbach 27:33 Yeah, so either the law firm or the software company, I like to network on both, right. I love both things. Being an attorney and being a software founder. It’s kind of it’s a nice, overlapping passion. So to find out more again, the best place to find me is probably on LinkedIn, just first name, last name, Karl will be K. Seelbach, Seelbach. But if you’re interested in connected with me on the law firm side, just shoot me a message on LinkedIn or an email. If you’re interested in Skribe, and you want to talk to me or you don’t want to talk to me, you can either shoot me a message to set up a meeting, or if you just want to try it, and you really don’t want kind of a dog and pony show or a demo, you can try it for free. And so you can create an account you can upload, just grab an audio or a video file from your from your case or from an older case, if you want to use something from the past. And you can upload it into scribe, see what it’s like to get that transcript synced to the video and audio. And you can actually go and create a video clips. And so your first file that you upload it, whether it’s an hour or two hours, whatever. We’ll process the first 30 minutes of that and give you the experience so you can kick the tires.
Chad Franzen 28:42 Okay, sounds great. Hey, very interesting stuff. Karl has been great to talk to you. Thank you so much for your time and for taking us through Skribe.
Karl Seelbach 28:49 Yeah, Chad, I meant to ask you though. I mean, I’m a little jealous of the weather that you get. You’re in Fort Collins, right?
Chad Franzen 28:55 Yeah. I wouldn’t be too jealous right now. Honestly. It was like 11 degrees here last night. Unless you’re a big winter person.
Karl Seelbach 29:02 Well, I do like the winter but it’s finally cooled off in Texas. It was in the 40s yesterday, so that was nice for Halloween.
Chad Franzen 29:08 Oh, very nice. Very nice. I’ll actually be there in a couple of weeks. I’m looking forward to leaving the freezing cold temperatures. Yeah. Where have you been?
Karl Seelbach 29:15 Have you been excited this football season with Mr. Neon Deion Sanders and Colorado team?
Chad Franzen 29:20 Oh, absolutely. I’ve couldn’t stop thinking about it for a while. They’re on kind of a downward swing. But we’ll see. Hopefully they can pick it back up.
Karl Seelbach 29:29 Yeah, cool. Well, I certainly appreciate you having me on and it’s been fun talking to you and telling you a little about what we’re up to in Austin.
Chad Franzen 29:36 Absolutely. Thanks so much, Karl. So long, everybody.
Outro 29:40 Thanks for listening to
15 Minutes. Be sure to subscribe and we’ll see you next time.